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Payment Policy Update

All payments received after close of business on the 17th will receive a penalty.

Fountaintown Gas Co., Inc., will no longer accept checks as payment for these specified transactions.

  1. If a service order has been issued for disconnection of service and payment has not been received by the due date, payment to maintain service must be made by cash, money order, or credit / debit card.

  2. If an account has been shut off for non-payment, all gas charges, deposit and applicable fees to restore the service must be paid by cash, money order, or credit / debit card.

  3. If a check is returned unpaid to Fountaintown Gas Co., Inc., from the bank, all charges associated with the returned check must be paid by cash, money order, or credit / debit card.

  4. If a customer has more than one check returned to Fountaintown Gas Co., Inc., all future payments must be made by cash, money order, or credit / debit card.

In our continued efforts to keep costs down and maintain lower rates for our customers, we are initiating the new payment policy effective immediately. By not accepting checks in these specified instances where we are exposed to substantial risk of loss, we hope to prevent the transfer of cost related to any such loss to our customer.

If you have any questions regarding this payment policy, please contact the office.

Why Natural Gas?

• Lower cost & better comfort
• Higher quality heat
• Reliable & safe
• A natural occurring energy source
• Made in the USA
Minimize Your Bill

• Install a programmable thermostat
• Keep window shades and draperies   open during the day
• Have your furnace serviced
Natural Gas Tips

How to identify a possible gas leak:

Smell rotten egg or sulfur odor
Hear blowing or hissing sound
See blowing dirt

More Information